Easy Transactions, No More Lines

Easy Transactions, No More Lines

Radio frequency identification system make it possible to eliminate the nightmare on the big event with the enormous number of crowd. One of the most common nightmare for the attendees at the big event are the hours they spent queuing at the gates, toilets and more at the booth or stall for refreshments when they still met hindrance for another line at the ATMs machine for the cash.

RFID Payment
Source : www.freshtix.com

Event RFID Payment  system eliminate all that bad experience by giving one tap experience for the attendees. The attendees just need to bring their RFID wristband that already being activated previously as the payment tools. The wristband would be their ticket to get in replacing the paper tickets then inside the venue instead of paying cash or credit, they pay use the RFID wristband. Each merchant on the booth or stall do not need terminal or complicated tools to proceed the transactions, but just a simple tap machine.

With every transaction could be done on one tap, as the studies show the cashless system would drive revenue till 20% for the organizers and the sponsors.

Some people just may just rather forgo making a purchase to avoid having to put up with a long line. Able to make payment with just one tap scanning on the wrist is a valuable time saver. The difference might be just few second compared to transactions that being done cash or through cards, but the few second would mean much when it adds up to the huge number of crowds then resulting to the huge queue of people. The system give benefit to eliminate one of the nightmare, right?

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PouchNation offer its NFC which stands for near field communications system, a step ahead with its online and offline system. NFC does not depend on the internet telecommunication provider.



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